Speech - Catalan
Neuro-charisma, neuro-persuasion and a high cognitive performance
Wednesday 12, 15:00h - 16:00h
| Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
12-06-2019 15:00
12-06-2019 16:00
Neuro-charisma, neuro-persuasion and a high cognitive performance
Discover aspects that determine the generation of trust in others. Find out how the brain works to generate impactful communication and optimise states of creativity and strategic and critical thinking and understand the neurological processes that generate them.
Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓDiscover aspects that determine the generation of trust in others. Find out how the brain works to generate impactful communication and optimise states of creativity and strategic and critical thinking and understand the neurological processes that generate them.