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    Let's prevent fraud

    FIRA BARCELONA and its events do not offer lists, information and/or related data to its visitors

    Dear Customer,

    In the last few months we have noticed a considerable increase in emails received offering lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA. This institution wishes to inform all its clients that BARCELONA and its events have no relationship of any kind with the companies that send these emails and have not in any way provided information and/or data to its visitors.

    We do not know the content of the list they offer for sale among exhibitors, although WE HAVE VERIFIED THAT IN NO CASE DOES IT COME FROM OUR DATABASES so the veracity and accuracy of the data are doubtful and it is bound to contain inaccurate and unverified information. Today, data collection techniques such as web scraping make it possible to obtain information that is public but that has not been checked, and in many cases it bears no relation to the real database of attendees at Fira Barcelona events and congresses.

    For this reason, we are alerting you to these practices and we reiterate our commitment to the confidentiality of our customers and visitors’ data, as well as to the strict compliance with the rules of the privacy policy as laid down in

    For any query related to this issue, you can contact your usual salesperson.

    Yours faithfully,

    Fira Barcelona

    If you have any questions, I am here to help

    Nom comercial

    We play our part

    We reiterate our commitment to the confidentiality of our customers and visitors’ data, as well as to the strict compliance with the rules of the privacy policy.

    Ejemplos de bloques destacados para añadir a tu web

    Dispones de distintos elementos para alertar al expositor en función de la situación concreta del salón

    Hero block: beneath the menu or the hero

    Alert to exhibitors

    Have you received an email with lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA? Be careful! It wasn’t us.

    Alert to exhibitors

    Have you received an email with lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA? Be careful! It wasn’t us.

    Bloque grande: puede ir en el contenido de la página o en el pie

    Alert to exhibitors

    Have you received an email with lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA? Be careful! It wasn’t us.

    Let's prevent fraud

    Have you received an email with lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA? Be careful! It wasn’t us.

    Bloque banner: para colocar entre el contenido de la página

    Let's prevent fraud

    Have you received an email with lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA? Be careful! It wasn’t us.

    Alert to exhibitors

    Have you received an email with lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA? Be careful! It wasn’t us.