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- La productividad personal libre de estrés
- Pitch Competition – Encomenda Smart Capital
- Defend your pitch and gain access to the largest business network in Europe
- Talent Network
- Reempresa matchings
- Facility services in the future of retail
- Franchises, do you know what you’re getting into?
- Expanding franchise networks
- Franchise myths and realities
- New sales trends and keys to success
- Franchise operations and audits
- Making a wise choice in franchising, and converting it into a successful one
- Presentation of the Creamedia Programme awards
- Aiming for healthier and more productive working hours within organisations
- Coworking in real key
- Economic empowerment for female entrepreneurship
- Sharing Cities: A global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona
- Hub Talent: A network to promote creativity and innovation
- Pre-accelerator Primer, disruptive solutions for innovative zones
- Digital resources for the support of the company: 92 financing tools
- SEO Workshop: improve your knowledge of SEO in 60 minutes and 25 steps
- ICO funding for self-employed workers and companies
- Digital Thinking to ensure that the customer is at the centre of your online communication
- Is there a gender issue in angel investing? Women investing in startups
- Cooperation with the startup ecosystem. Opportunities for social and digital transformation
- How to accelerate and finance your successful start-up
- How to fund my project
- Challenges and the future of the tourist sector payment experience
- Blockchain to save the planet: Smart Cities
- Responsible marketing for exports
- An artist in New York
- Fashion exports? A history of organic growth
- Internationalisation tools for entrepreneurs
- Unleash the power of goal – setting
- Towards a world with zero waste
- A B2B startup? Digitize your sales with Inbound Marketing
- The keys to commercial, professional and business success in the digital era
- How do I apply the new marketing trends to my SME?
- Digital transformation and personal environments
- Innovation Management
- Digital Business: What opportunities does the digital universe provide for your company?
- Success is the D in design. You can’t get by without it!
- Accelerators: Are they for me? Which is the most suitable?
- The transformative potential of the social economy
- Prototyping: stages and challenges
- 7 digital marketing techniques that work
- UXLab: We help start-ups to apply people-centred design
- The circular economy and responsible growth
- Creativity so as not to be left behind? Participatory debate
- The DNA of the digital entrepreneur: Are you ON or OFF?
- Non-profit Special Work Centres: business partners that enable you to achieve a social impact
- Do you want to launch a new project? Real testimonies that recount entrepreneurial adventures
- Entrepreneurship and data protection
- Are you an innovative SME? Learn more about the fiscal support for RDI
- Why doesn’t our marketing plan work?
- Davids and Goliaths. How to make one’s way in the cultural sector
- Making female talent visible
- Selection by values: How to select the best people for your business
- AfterBLE
- Networking workshop
- Networking workshop
- Prevention, a safe value
- EcoRegió Catalunya networking
- Connect with tourism and digital innovation professionals
- Agents&Brokers: inter-sectoral networking
- We give your business energy
- Mistakes to avoid in franchising
- Conflict resolution in the franchise sphere
- The franchise, growth model
- The Magic of Franchising. The Catalonia Franchise Award Ceremony
- Franchising as a business strategy
- Intelligent marketing in shops
- How to choose a franchise
- Fifth pitch competition for university projects
- Presentation of the third Reempresa Awards for the area of Barcelona
- Reempresa team building
- Now that you’re an entrepreneur, transform your company and grow!
- It’s seven times easier to buy a company than to set one up from scratch
- Financing is easy if you know how to do it!
- How much is my business worth?
- Communicate and persuade by means of the elevator pitch
- Presentation of the 2018-2019 GEM Catalonia report
- How to obtain the first round of investment
- Neuro-charisma, neuro-persuasion and a high cognitive performance
- Ten recommendations for defending the post-money value of my startup
- Financiamos proyectos con impacto social
- A morning of Crowdfunding
- Access to financing for cooperative companies
- Nostalgia Marketing : cuando el pasado se hace moderno
- How can the gender perspective promote products and services on the market?
- Work on your brand and expand abroad
- Having the vision to go global
- Taking the plunge in Latin America
- Rock and Business
- Winners: how to win customers in the Amazon era
- Sustainable Development Goals. How can I apply them to my business?
- Start-ups Roundtable
- Libelium, a success story based on IoT
- Inclou Futur: promoting social responsibility among SMEs
- Entrevista a Jesús Vidal. Ganador de un Goya y Actor de la película Campeones.
- How to get customers in the new digital era
- The world that’s on the way
- Do you Speak Creativity?
- I am what I want to be
- What to do today to sell more tomorrow
- The twelve unique ways of attracting customers
- How to apply Business Intelligence to your business or startup
- Technical seminar conducted by the Xarxa Emprèn (private event)
- From the problem to the challenge
- Round Table Recruitament and Talent
- Talent Awareness: Mastering the Future of Work
- Enisa: financing tailored to each company
- Cooperative entrepreneurship tools
- Incubation experiences in collaborative environments: entrepreneurship in a community
- A selection of the 20 mistakes no one should make
- The transformation of work: co-working as a tool with a social impact
- A toolbox and Leader resources for companies and entrepreneurship in the rural world
- After a period in operation, what wouldn’t I do again? A round table of women entrepreneurs
- Different forms of entrepreneurship
- How to set up a company in 48 hours
- Cristina Estévez
- Amparo de San José Riestra
- André Vany-Robin
- Luca Dell’Oro
- Juana Villanueva
- Angel Canovas Garcia
- Josep Roset
- Ignasi Parody
- Cecilia Gri Rabat
- Mateu Quesada Garcia
- Pedro Olivares
- Júlia Gómez Vazquez
- Oscar Macia
- Albert Bosch
- Felipe Ojeda
- Mònica Garriga
- Montse Prats
- Marian Torres
- Begoña Garcia Barco
- Berta Calders
- Marta Soler Carrascosa
- Xènia Elias
- Nikoletta Theodoridi
- Gabriela Sierra Fontecilla
- Sergi Rufat
- Maria José Blanco Gutiérrez
- Manuel Sbdar
- Oscar Guirado
- Victor Solanas
- Elena Fonts
- Liz Castro
- Joana Amat Amigó
- Fina Rubio Serrano
- Anna Mercadé i Ferrando
- Sam Gutiérrez Galve
- Javier De la Ossa Falero
- Ramon López Roldán
- Javier Martínez
- Ricard Espelt